Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 210
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Chapter 210

Chapter 210

The day before Escapes release.

The internet was buzzing about Escape all day long.

[Escape Forum]

-Why didnt they have a preview screening?

-Are you still going to watch it?

-I think theres something fishy about it.

-But the reporters who are supposed to write articles havent seen the movie either lol. They have no clue.

-Thats why the entertainment reporters went to the theater lol.

-How did they get the tickets?

-There were some bad seats left. I think they got those.

-Well, they dont need to watch the movie well to write articles.

-I want to see spoilers before I watch the movie. I made a pre-Escape (spoiler) board. Write spoilers there.

The next day.

The theater was crowded from the morning.

You made it.

Vacation day!

Imiyeons words made Park Seongahs eyes sparkle.

Park Seongah, who was a salaried worker, had used her precious vacation day to watch the movie today.

I got tickets for the first day. I couldnt miss it!

Lets get the posters first. I already printed the tickets.

They grabbed the posters that were generously prepared, and gave up on popcorn and drinks since it was Lee Seo-juns movie. It was a zombie movie, after all.

They still had about ten minutes until the movie started, so Imiyeon and Park Seongah sat on their seats and watched the excited people around them.

It was fun and amazing to feel that they were going to watch a movie that no one had seen before, and that no one in the world knew about unless they were insiders.

Its nice to be here on the first day.

We dont have to worry about getting spoiled since there was no preview screening.

Once this movie was over, there would be [spoiler alert] posts everywhere, and the story would spread.

Most people will keep quiet, but it will still leak somewhere.

Thats why its better to be here on the first day.

As they waited for a while, it was time for the movie.

Screen 8! Those who are going to watch Escape, please enter screen 8!

With the staffs guidance, many people who came to the theater headed to screen 8 at once. Imiyeon and Park Seongah also headed to screen 8 with excited hearts.

They sat on their seats written on their tickets, turned off their phones, and leaned back on their chairs. They tried to calm their pounding hearts and watched the ads that filled the screen.

The ads ended and an evacuation guide video played.

They would have ignored the guide video if it was in the past, but those who had watched One Step impressively turned their heads and checked the emergency exits.

Soon, the theater darkened,

and logos of distribution companies and production companies appeared.

The name of Plus+ as an investor also appeared.


Not Plus+ Korea?

Imiyeon and Park Seongah, who knew well about Escape, widened their eyes.

Come to think of it, it was netizens who guessed that it was Plus+ Korea, not Escapes side.

Well, it doesnt matter where.

What they were curious about now was the movie.

Everyone silenced themselves and looked at the big screen.


A camera angle that was hitting the ground from the sky showed a black car coming in.

The car that ran smoothly alone showed how wide and deserted this land was.

The camera followed the car and showed a tightly closed door.

[USA-O.W.C Research Institute]

USA from the start?

Imiyeon and the audience blinked their eyes.

After a brief pause, the door opened.

The car entered through the heavy door.

There were guards with guns everywhere.

The car stopped at an underground parking lot.

The drivers hand opened the back door of the car and a man in a suit got out.

His face was not shown.

The man walked slowly and opened the door with his fingerprint and password.

He entered inside.

The camera followed behind him as he crossed a space surrounded by state-of-the-art facilities.

People who looked like staff bowed their heads toward him.

He was completely different from his relaxed back view.

He greeted them with a gesture and headed to the elevator.

The place where he arrived was an underground laboratory.

The screen changed.

Several computers and piles of papers.

A woman with long blonde hair tied loosely in a white gown read down one paper after another with a thoughtful face.

The content written on paper did not change no matter how many times she looked at it.


The theater with hundreds of people stopped for a moment.

Everyone looked at the screen with the same expression without exception as if time had stopped except for the screen.

/Are you crazy! This is crazy!/

The woman threw up all papers that were piled up.


As if the air had stopped, no one could breathe.

The audiences eyes grew as big as they could.

Their pupils shook violently. Someone opened their mouth wide.

/Professor Maria./

Someone called Maria, who was looking at the papers and shouting It cant be, professor.

If the camera didnt turn, they wouldnt be able to see it.

Imiyeon and the audience turned their heads unknowingly.

It seemed like they could see the owner of the familiar voice if they turned their heads.

The man knocked on the door that was wide open with a smile.

/Oh, I didnt knock./

/Samuel! Is this true?!/

/Hmm. What do you mean by this?/

Samuel, who was wearing a neat suit and had his hair neatly combed back, and Professor Maria, who was wearing a white gown and had her blonde hair tied loosely, looked at each other.





A loud scream came from somewhere in the theater.

Imiyeon and Park Seongah thought that this was a noise that they couldnt help but understand.

They felt like they would scream too, so they covered their mouths with their hands.

They were screaming inside.

Ah! Are you crazy!?

Imiyeon and Park Seongah were dizzy. They couldnt breathe and their hearts were pounding so hard that they felt like they were going to burst. They had goosebumps from head to toe.

They never imagined that they would see them here,

Hollywood stars, Evan Block and Rachel Hill.

The movie continued without regard for the audience who were shocked.

As expected, Professor, you are very smart. I think we made a good decision to entrust this matter to you. We should give more bonus to the headhunter.

Samuel! This is not the time to joke

Im not joking, Professor.

Did I enter the wrong movie theater?

I was so confused that I didnt even know where I was.

No, why are those actors here? A new Hollywood movie?

The theater was in an uproar at the unexpected appearance of the actors. Some people were taking out their phones to share their surprise and shock, and some were talking to their neighbors.

This is bad.

Imiyeon wanted to talk to Park Seonga, who was sitting next to her, but she held back.

She glanced at her and saw that Park Seonga also had a complicated expression.

I need to watch it again.

Imiyeon and Park Seonga looked at the screen with a detached expression, ignoring the noisy people and the phone lights everywhere.

The Hollywood stars were still acting.

Ah, I came to say this, but I forgot.

Samuel said with a gentle smile.

Theres a new X discovered in South Korea. So Im going to Korea, and I hope youll join me, Professor. We have a hospital and a research center owned by our company, so you can do enough research in Korea.

Samuels blue eyes shone fiercely.

[Two months later]


There was a person lying in a lavishly decorated VIP room.

And a foreigner and a bodyguard who appeared.

Oh my

Imiyeon and Park Seonga wanted to close their eyes tightly.

The surprise gift was not only the Hollywood actors.

They looked at Park Dohoon, who was cursing with a dumbfounded face, and Lee Jiseok, who was standing stiffly.

Oh my! They were less surprised than the Hollywood actors, but this was also not easy to handle.

The man shouted angrily.

Who the hell is that?!

Im sorry for making you wait, sir. Im from O.W.C.

O.W.C.? When will the drug be ready?


Samuel smiled and raised his hands.

Its still in the experiment

Bring it right now!!

So I have a suggestion for you.

The man who was snickering asked back.

A suggestion?

We have a drug that were developing right now, but its quite effective. There are still some side effects, though.

Side effects?! You want to use it on me?! Are you crazy?!

Just a little bit of side effects. Wouldnt it be better than your current condition?

The man who was muttering curses answered.


Thank you.

Samuel still smiled with a friendly face and came out of the room. Aaaah, the man who couldnt control his anger screamed and the bodyguard hurriedly called the doctor.

Samuel took out his phone and called somewhere.

I got a good subject for the experiment. Hes sane and in good physical condition. He cant move his limbs, so he might be better than a normal subject. Yes. Please prepare the drug.

Samuels eyes sparkled with satisfaction.

Samuel, who had obtained the consent of the subject, contacted O.W.C headquarters.

The news of the experiment was also passed on to others who were in charge of the same work as Samuel.

It was also passed on to other laboratories that were studying virus X.

Who would be the first to create a goose that lays golden eggs?

The competition for money became fierce.

Samuel, who had informed Professor Maria of the experiment, set a date.

He left the subject in one of the rooms of the laboratory and headed for the life extension team.

He shrugged his shoulders at the closed door. He entered his fingerprint on the door lock.


The thick door opened.

In the dark office.


Samuel groped for the light switch on the cold wall.

You should sleep in your quarters


He stopped talking at the strange sound.


Samuel had seen the subject himself. But at that time, the subject had his eyes covered with a blindfold and his mouth blocked.

If he had ever seen a subject without a control device, Samuel would have run out of the laboratory right away.

[O.W.C.s management is perfect.]

That thought created a flaw.


As he tried to figure out what was going on, Samuel turned on the light.


How did he not notice him when he was so close?

A zombie covered in blood and with flesh bitten off everywhere appeared under the light.

The audience flinched at the zombies face filling up the screen.

The theater was quiet for a moment, but there was no power to lead it on.

The Hollywood makeup team Mira and Jenna Triad worked hard on the makeup, and the leader of the Bone Breaking dance team performed as a zombie, but the theater was still noisy.

It seemed that they were not as shocked as they expected, since they came to watch a zombie movie.

Imiyeon and Park Seongas eyes met.

It was hard to focus on the movie in this state. They thought it would be better to watch it again from the beginning when it was quiet, rather than listening to this noise for two hours.

Did I watch it on the first day for nothing?

But they would have regretted it if they had heard about the surprise appearance of Evan Block, Rachel Hill, Lee Jiseok, Park Dohoon by word of mouth. Imiyeon and Park Seonga.

And the audience who were quietly closing their mouths, wondering whether to leave or not,

The camera screen changed.

The door that Samuel had just entered was shown.

Only the tightly closed door filled the screen, but somehow it felt like it was capturing the attention of the people.

The audience who were hesitating looked at the screen.

There was no background sound or sound effect.

The speaker was quiet.

There were also some people who were still stunned by the attack of Evan Block, Rachel Hill, Lee Jiseok, Park Dohoon.

And some people were tapping their phones to spread the news outside.

But that was only for a moment.

With the prolonged silence and the feeling of something, one by one, their eyes turned to the screen.

It was quiet.

Too quiet that they wondered if something was wrong.



There was a loud noise from behind the door.

The echo was bigger than expected.


The noise rang again.

It was just a thumping sound, but it sent chills down their spines.

Someone swallowed hard.

The audience was captivated by the two loud thumps.


The dazzling appearance of the actors distracted the audience from their surroundings.

Their minds went blank.

Those who were chatting with their neighbors shut their mouths.

The audience members who were holding their phones dropped them in shock and shrank their necks.

The phone lights disappeared one by one.

The darkened theater became quiet as if it was covered by a heavy darkness.

When everyones eyes turned to the screen, another one.


The speakers on all sides of the theater seemed to convey the impact of hitting the door.

Some of the audience members leaned back.

Their hearts pounded.

On the other side of the door.

There was something dangerous.

They buried themselves in their seats, held their friends hands tightly, and closed their eyes.

But they heard the sound.


The top of the door popped out slightly.


The bottom of the door popped out slightly.


The bottom of the door caved in.

A brief pause.

The silence dragged on.

Was it over?

They were hunched over, sweating in their hands, looking at the screen. Lee Mi-yeon and Park Sung-ah, and the rest of the audience, looked up at the screen with a shaky posture.

And then,


Thump! Thump! Thump!

Thump thump thump thump thump thump!

Along with the continuous loud thumps, the door that should have been tightly closed was crushed mercilessly and seemed to open at any moment.



A zombie that was raging to cut off the mans last breath.

Even though they couldnt see it, they imagined that scene and screams erupted here and there.


The thick door that had been blocking the way between the audience and the zombie was split in half.

The locked door was misaligned with the frame and opened with a creak.

Lee Mi-yeon and Park Sung-ah covered their mouths with their hands, afraid that their breathing would be heard.

The others did too, as if they had forgotten about the cameo appearances that had surprised them.

They didnt think of Evan Block or Rachel Hill.

That kind of interest only appeared after they were sure of their own safety.

Hoo, hoo.

They heard breathing that they couldnt tell if it was theirs or someone elses. Their hearts beat fast.

They felt like they could hear their own heartbeat.

A deathly silence flowed.

At that moment, when a tense atmosphere filled the theater.

Between the door that was like the last line of defense, a shoe stained with wet blood appeared.

It was just a quick step forward, but everyone flinched as if it would jump out at them any moment.

They clenched their fists so hard that it hurt.

Was this what it felt like to have your heart tighten?

Thud thud thud thud their hearts beat.

It was scary and creepy and strange.

But even so, in a strange atmosphere, the audience turned their heads but kept their eyes on the screen.

Was it a wariness toward the enemy that threatened their lives, or a curiosity to see something strange for themselves?

They couldnt tell.

What would appear there?

The audience watched the screen without breathing or blinking.

And then,

The scene changed.

Birds flew around, green trees and a well-kept garden were visible.

They heard people talking and car engines running.

A white ambulance was visible and doctors who were enjoying a short break were visible.

Even children who cried because they didnt want to go to the hospital looked peaceful.

It was a scene of everyday life.

But unlike the silence that seemed to hear peoples heartbeats just before, they heard lively noises.

As they heard sounds full of vitality, the audience members who had been tense let out a sigh of relief with frustration and relief from their stomachs.

They couldnt believe they had been so tense that they kept looking at that door.


They lost strength because they were too tense. They leaned back on their stiff bodies in their seats.

They opened and closed their hands that were numb from clenching too hard, and drank water while still looking at the screen without taking their eyes off it.

A scene of everyday life.

But they knew it wasnt peaceful, but not peaceful.

They thought of the zombie that would cover this peace and shivered again.

A single appearance.

And it wasnt even a scene where his face appeared.

Seo-juns acting had dragged them into Escapes world like he did at the childrens play in springtime.

The movie had only started 10 minutes ago.

Just like Escape theaters were noisy in many ways, outside theaters were not quiet either.

[Escape Bulletin Board (Spoilers)]

-When will the post go up?

-The fastest time is just starting. Theres still 2 hours left until it ends.

-I couldnt get a seat today, so Im going tomorrow Im dying of curiosity.

-Did Seo-jun act well?

-He must have done really well.

This is crazyyyyy


The production company is crazyyyy!!!


The worldddd

I want to scream but its a theater so Ill do this insteadttt

-Why are you all like this?

-SNS is no joke either. Its a mess.

-But they dont say why.

-Its only been 10 minutes since the movie started, what the hell is going on?

-Are you all on your phones while watching the movie?

-Wow. The theater is amazing.

The world, the world, the world!

I want to say it but I cant!

22 You have to see this for yourself!

-Tell me, Im okay with spoilers.

-Yeah, this is a spoiler-friendly board.

No way! You cant spoil this!

You have to see it in the theater!

Cover your ears and eyes and go to the theater!

-?How do I go to the theater then?

No wayyyy you have to see it without knowing.


Ahhhhh hes back!!


-What kind of zombie?

-Hows the Hollywood team zombie?






-??Why did the posts suddenly stop?

-Maybe they got eaten by zombies

-Whats going on??

-Ahhhh! I want to see itttt

-The people who went to the countryside were the winners

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